Strength Training In The New Year

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
I get asked a lot about strength training, and why it's so important to a fitness routine, especially a strength training in the new year workout plan. The benefits of strength training are numerous, which is why I included three comprehensive strength training workouts in my all new Stop The Clock Workout Plan.

Strength training is truly one of the best age defying secrets around. If you want to look fit and fabulous after 40, then you need to focus on your muscles. You have over 640 different muscles to help you look toned, fit and young. After 40, our muscles shrink about one percent each year - but regular strength training workouts can prevent and even reverse this muscle shrinkage! This means instead of getting older and accepting droopy or saggy arms, legs and core, you can age with grace and look forward to a fit, toned body - one that can take on the day with strength and agility!

Strength training is vital to healthy aging - it can help boost your metabolism, protect your bones from osteoporosis, and improve your posture. The good news is it is never too late to start. To get the most benefit out of strength training I recommend 30 minutes, three times per week. This is what I recommend in my Stop The Clock Workout Plan! This printable guide offers three different workouts with 32 exercises total, each with a combined focus on upper body, lower body, and abs/lower back. I give you exact instruction on what to do, in what order, so you are properly performing each exercise with the right number of sets and repetitions.

You can look forward to exercises like my Upper Back Firmer, Squats and Lunges, Lower Tummy Tightener and more - 10 or 11 exercises in each workout, targeting the three main areas.

I also offer up other strength training exercises that I like to call "Anti-Gravity" exercises. There are five areas of the body that tend to sag with age: your bust, the backs of your upper arms, your waistline, your buns, and the area right above your knees. These are definitely the over-40 problem spots! My targeted toning exercises can help to transform the shape of your body. My Anti-Gravity exercises specifically target areas these areas and include exercises to give you:

  • A Beautiful Bust
  • Awesome Arms
  • Lovely Legs
  • Amazing Abs

So don't wait - let's start toning today - together! Check out my Stop The Clock Workout Plan today, and reap the benefits of strength training starting NOW!

Let's get fitter, together - inside and out!


Video Transcript:

Hi everybody, it's Denise Austin and I'm so excited about my brand new, Stop The Clock Workout Guide. It has everything you need to get your body in the best shape ever - and it has a special section for strength training. Yes, we have three different workouts, one for the upper body to shape your arms, so when you wave goodbye, nothing will jiggle! One for the midsection, your abs, and back to really flatten that belly, strengthen your spine. And then one's for the lower half, for your hips, thighs, and buttocks. We have something that you will love to help firm and target tone your whole body. You can do it. Check it out at