It's National Wellness Month! Here are 5 Ways to Celebrate

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
August is National Wellness Month, so let's talk about what wellness truly means! Wellness is practicing healthy habits daily to work towards better health - both physical and mental. I want to take this month to celebrate and share ways you can work towards wellness. It's something that you should make a lifestyle, day in and day out! Here are 5 ways to celebrate wellness today!

  1. Commit to an 80/20 way of eating. 80 percent of the time eat healthy, balanced and nutritious foods and 20 percent of the time eat what you want, even if it isn't the healthiest choice. I find that without depriving yourself of foods you love every once in awhile, it's easier to eat healthy most of the time. Moderation is key!!
  2. Exercise! This is another key to achieving wellness. Getting movement in (even if you can only fit 10-minutes some days!) will give you more energy, increase your metabolism, boost your mood and shrink your waistline! If you don't have my app, download it for access to over 400 workouts!
  3. Practice gratitude. I've been speaking on this for years, and I believe with my whole heart that gratitude is a game changer! Actively practicing gratitude, by either writing it down daily or saying it out loud, will help you live a more positive and uplifting life.
  4. Create a sleep routine. Sleep is super important when it comes to wellness! Getting enough quality sleep allows your body to recover, rebuild and grow!
  5. Get outside! Being outdoors has many health benefits. It's the most natural way to get Vitamin D, can help lessen anxiety (so does exercise - so get an outdoor workout in and that's a double whammy!), a great way to be social and connect with others, and gives your energy levels a boost!

I hope you find some time this month to make a few small changes that will help you achieve wellness. YOU are always worth it, and deserve it! I will be here with you every step of the way to hold you accountable. Download my app and we will get fit together!!

Let's live FIT, HAPPY and HEALTHY - together!!
