Elizabeth's Inspiring Story!
by Denise Austin |

Thanks for your wonderful letters and stories, they are all so special. I can’t tell you how much I love what I do and how much it means to me to feel like I’m making a difference in your life.Elizabeth from Pittsburg wrote to me at [email protected] and really touched my heart. Elizabeth is living proof that it doesn’t matter how old you are, you can ALWAYS make positive changes to your health. That’s the beauty of our bodies! I am so proud of you, Elizabeth, on your determination and your unstoppable upbeat attitude!Here’s her story:Dear Denise,As I begin Week #10, I guess it’s time to write to say Thank You So Very Much!! You were there for me one February morning and have made a huge difference each day since.A little background: I began working out with your DVDs about 12 years ago and with that exercise along with walking 4-6 miles a day and paying attention to a healthy diet, I went from 174 pounds to 134 pounds, 10 pounds lighter than my goal. I finally stabilized at about 142 and maintained that for a couple of years and then we moved from CA to Pittsburgh. While I love Pittsburgh, my whole lifestyle and routine changed and over time I inched my way back up to 155 and I convinced myself that I was okay at that weight as long as I kept in shape, etc. Well, this January was a rough one and I got totally out of control and gained 7 pounds in about 6 weeks!! I was a mess!! And then one morning I woke up to your email with the 360 plan, had a spurt of energy, signed up on the spot and said, “I can do this!!” And I have. What fun!! It’s been a challenge at age 64, but I needed a challenge. Every day I’m so proud when I complete my workout. And that’s just the emotional part – the physical results have been absolutely amazing!! I look better than I ever have and that brings me to a side story:One day after my previous weight loss 10 years ago or so, I was out running errands and a lady in her 30’s approached me and asked me if I’d been a dancer – that I carried myself like a ballerina. I told her that I hadn’t but I smiled and thanked her. I’m sure she had NO idea how I floated around after that. What a compliment! But I didn’t get the full understanding of it until a few weeks ago when I watched your “Body Language” video and realized I’d been feeling my “inner ballerina” again recently. It was a way of standing and walking straight and confident and not hunching to hide what I didn’t like about myself. What a difference it makes in the way I feel about myself just going about my day to day activities. I am a much happier camper!!And so, Denise, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there with such an awesome program! At 20 pounds down, I’m at my goal weight but I don’t want to stop because I love this program being part of my day and my life. The best to you and please know how much your work is appreciated!!!BethIt’s time to tell YOUR story. Join my plan and together we can find your happy, healthy and fit life. YOU can do it–at any age–and YOU are WORTH it!Love always,Denise