3 Quick Strength Training Exercises You Can Do At Home!
by Denise Austin |
Want to sculpt your body and give your metabolism a boost? Add regular strength training into your workout routine. Building muscle will increase your daily calorie burn, boost your metabolism, and give your body more of a lean and sculpted look. You might think that strength training can only be done in a gym with dumbbells and weights - well I'm here to tell you that you can do some really effective moves right from your home! Here are some of my favorites that require either no equipment at all or very minimal:

- Pushups - A classic push up is one of the best upper body moves you can do because it works so many muscles at one time! Your chest, and shoulders - which are both large muscles. You will also feel this move in your biceps and triceps. And as an added bonus since you have to tighten your core, your abs are worked indirectly also.
- Bonus! Doing pushups with your feet or shins resting on a stability ball will take it up a notch, especially for your core!

- Tricep Extensions - Triceps are a problem area for so many women. This is the perfect way to tighten and tone that area on the back of your arm, so you can feel comfortable in that summer dress! You can do the exercise with dumbbells, I would suggest 5 or 8 lbs. or a resistance band. I love to use bands because you can adjust the resistance so easily just by changing where your grip on the band is!

- Shoulder Press - I love this exercise because because having sexy and sculpted shoulders is so flattering on women. You can do this exercise with dumbbells or a resistance band also.
- Bonus! Much like mentioned above with pushups, doing a shoulder press while sitting on a stability ball will engage your core and indirectly give you an ab workout - more bang for your buck
Give these strength training moves a try and see how lean and toned your upper body will be! I am currently offering 50% off the Stability Ball and Resistance Bands in my Shop. Use code BB50 at checkout to save today!
Let's live FIT, HAPPY and HEALTHY - Together!!