2 Things You Can Do to Support Healthy Aging!

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
As you all know, it's Healthy Aging Month so I want to outline 2 simple things you can do to support Healthy Aging!
  1. Add Cocoa Flavanols - this is a simple habit that goes a long way! Cocoa flavanols are clinically proven to promote cardiovascular and brain health for the long term. CocoaVia products are made with a proprietary cocoa extract that is highly concentrated - so it's the best on the market! I love to add a scoop of CocoaVia Cardio Health to my morning coffee - try it today with my code DENISESP2. It's simple, delicious and a GREAT way to support both cardio and brain health. Talk about a win-win!
  2. Strength Train - including strength training in your exercise routine at least 3 times each week will help you maintain and build muscle. Maintaining muscle as we age is an uphill battle since after the age of 30, we lose 3-5% of muscle mass each decade. Anything we can do to help combat that is great! See two of my favorite strength training exercises below. 

Squat with Dumbbells - this move is GREAT because it works the largest muscle in the body, your glutes! Along with quads and hamstrings which are some of the largest too. You will get more bang for your buck when working large muscle groups, so try to work them often!


Back Fly - this exercise works your upper back and shoulders - some more large muscle groups! Strength training your back is a great way to prevent back pain and help with posture... both important as we age! 

If you enjoy these exercises and want some full length routines, check out the Fit Over 50 Series on my app! Workouts geared towards us that are doing our best to live a fit and active lifestyle, no matter what age we are!

Let's live FIT, HAPPY and HEALTHY - together!!


PS - don't forget to check out the amazing CocoaVia products here and use my code DENISESP2 to save 20%!