"Tackle" Your Tummy With 3 Easy Moves!

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
It's football season, so let's "tackle" our tummies with some simple, effective ab moves! I get asked often about ways to strengthen the midsection, an area that can be problematic as we get older. Hormones, busy schedules, kids - all can affect our abs and waistline, which can be easy to overlook, but is so important for our health. If you think about it, the only times we truly use our stomach muscles is getting out of bed! 

That's why I created what I like to call Fidget-Cisers: small movements that, when you do them consistently, lead to big results! These moves are especially good when you are short on time but want to get some movement in - movement that can help you gain muscle, slim down your waistline, and replace that menopause belly with abs! 

Strong abs are vital to our health and wellbeing, as they:
  • Help to improve posture so you stand, sit and walk taller, naturally!  
  • Promote balance and coordination, so important as we get older and are more susceptible to falls
  • Can help minimize back pain - your abs do the work instead of your back! 

And strong abs can also help to minimize injury and promote better breathing! So there's no two ways about: tackling those abs WILL make you feel great - and look great too! Try these three Fidget-Ciser moves - you can do them right in your kitchen or living room during commercials if you are watching the game (or any show!!). Begin to add these to your fitness routine and you will see and feel a difference in just a few weeks. You'll stand taller, sit straighter, and even lose an inch around your waist! Y

Fidget-Cisers: Tummy Tucks - these are a great way to target the front of your tummy!

Fidget-Cisers: Bicycles - a great lower-tummy targeted move that can help to minimize menopause belly!

Fidget-Cisers: Waistline Slimmer - a wonderful move that will help to slim the sides of the waistline!

Do these the next time a commercial comes on - you can do it, you and your health and worth it!

Let's live FIT, HAPPY & HEALTHY - together!!


PS - If you want even more ab workouts, join my app! I have entire ab series that will truly transform your midsection, along with hundreds more workouts to help you tone up and trim down! I am there with you every step of the way - tap here to join me now!