Denise Austin's 8-Week Vitality Program

Join My New Vitality For Life Program!

Reset, Recommit, and Recharge: Transform Your Mind and Body!

Dive into my Vitality For Life Program — A two-part program offering eight weeks of carefully designed Fitness, Nutrition and Wellness content for women who want to make the later years the BEST years! Learn how to build strong muscle and increase your flexibility; enjoy protein-forward recipes to help fuel your workouts and busy lifestyle; use my well-being advice to further your daily self-care routine; and implement my tips and insight to navigate and EMBRACE life before and after menopause! After 8 weeks, you will have created a healthy pattern of living that will leave you more energized, youthful, positive and vibrant!

This two-part Vitality Program WILL give you the results you want! The best part? The first four weeks are FREE when you sign up for a 30-day free trial! Enter your email address below to sign up for my Vitality For Life Program and let's make 2025 a year to reset, recommit and recharge - together!

Please Note: Even if you are a Denise Austin member, enter your email so you receive the new weekly Vitality For Life newsletter, Weekly Schedules and more!

"A Vitality Transformation For All Parts of Your Life!"

Boost your metabolism, burn fat, and increase your resilience and positivity!

The meaning of vitality is “energy and strength” - two characteristics that all of us women embody, especially after 50! Vitality is the essence of being a woman, as we exert energy to keep us moving throughout the day, for ourselves and others. And strength is what gives us the ability to be independent and resilient, no matter what comes our way. This program is all about strengthening our vitality by improving our physical health, eating a diet that nourishes and refuels, and placing an emphasis on our emotional well-being. The result? A vibrancy and youthfulness you will feel every day!

Gain strength with Vitality Workouts plus stackable workouts!

Get ready for a variety of Vitality Workouts that will improve your energy, banish that menopause belly, help you build muscle, and lengthen and strengthen your body! 20-40 minute cardio, strength training, and flexibility workouts every Monday-Saturday, plus target-toning “stackable” 5-10 minute workouts so if you want to take it up a notch, you can! Each week builds on the last, so at week 8 you will be ready to take on anything!

Fuel your progress with high-protein daily meals suggestions

You will get a daily nutrition plan designed to fuel your workouts and accommodate your busy lifestyle! Think high-protein breakfasts, quick and easy lunches, plant-based suggestions and even recipes the whole family will enjoy. Plus weekly meal planning and prep lists for a simple way to plan ahead.

Achieve better wellness with mindset meditations

Every Sunday features a wellness session to help you refocus and recenter your outlook and well-being - including brand new “Walk Through Menopause Meditations” series with me! It’s all about shifting our outlook to positivity so we can navigate this time and our life in a brighter way! Plus insight on skin care, goal setting, staying social, fashion, and so much more.  Actionable takeaways to help you build and LIVE the best life possible!

My Approach to Staying Fit & Looking Great at ANY Age!

Plan, Prep, Do and ACHIEVE the Transformative Results You Want!

This Vitality For Life Program was carefully designed for women who want to embrace aging and make these years the BEST years! Based on feedback from women like you, I created this Vitality For Life Program to give you the results you want! 

Part 1 is all about getting into the groove and onto the path to Vitality! 

For four weeks I will guide you through Daily Vitality Workouts focused on toning, cardio and flexibility. You also get a daily shorter “stackable” workout to add in whenever, wherever for even better results. Plus weekly schedules, planning and prep tips, daily recipes, weekly wellness sessions, lifestyle advice and more! You WILL begin to see and feel REAL results in this phase. And Part 1 is FREE to everyone!

Part 2 takes it to the next level so you achieve that toned, healthy, strong body and mind!

Weeks 5-8 continue to build off Part 1, with additional member-only exclusives:

• Access to even more daily stackable workouts to get that lean body that IS within!

• My “Walk Through Menopause Meditations” to listen to on the go!

• Vitality VIP Bundle Giveaway including my Denise Austin WalkingPad, Vitality For Life Guide, and more!*

• Free e-guides to help you live your most Vitality-filled life!

    And so much more, including continued access to the Weekly Schedules, meal prep and planning tips, the exclusive community, and daily inspirations and support throughout the entire Vitality For Life Program!

    *Must submit "Before" and "After" success story to be entered to win!


    New Vitality Workouts!

    Fun workouts designed to target trouble spots, boost metabolism, build lean muscle and give you energy!


    Protein-Rich Recipes!

    A meal plan that focuses on delivering the fuel you need to achieve those goals - including quick and easy recipes!


    Reconnect with Yourself

    Weekly wellness sessions to help you focus and achieve your goals, so you can be the best version of you each and every day!

    THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH for all you do. Your motivation and positively are unmatched. I am so grateful! 

    Randee M

    I like and need the accountability. I joined your membership a few weeks ago and use the short targeted workouts…

    Donna A.

    I joined your membership for the workouts and love them. The challenges are an extra plus…

    Kara R

    Transform Your Life

    Join My Vitality For Life Program!

    Enter your email below to sign up for my Vitality For Life Program - it starts this January and Part 1 is FREE!